
Sabine Kastner presenting at GRC Neurobiology of Cognition
July 20, 2024
Chen presents a poster at NEXTEN, Washington University St. Louis (WUSL), Center for Theoretical Neuroscience - "Mediodorsal thalamus regulates sensory and mapping uncertainties in decision making"
May 16, 2024
Chen presents "Generative AI for interictal EEG-based SUDEP risk assessment”, AI Epilepsy Meeting, Park City
April 2, 2024
Chen presents "Cracking the neural codes and advancing brain health", NYU WIRELESS, Tandon School of Engineering
March 26, 2024
Kastner delivers a keynote lecture at the EMBO workshop on “Subcortical sensory circuits: visual, auditory, somatosensory, and beyond”
Nov. 30, 2023
Usrey publishes a book - "The Cerebral Cortex and Thalamus"
Nov. 1, 2023
Kastner is inducted to the Neuroscience section of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
Sept. 30, 2023
Kastner delivers the Boynton Colloquium at the University of Rochester on “the Cognitive Visual Thalamus”
May 3, 2023
Kastner receives the 2023 George A. Miller Prize in Cognitive Neuroscience at the Society for Cognitive Neuroscience Annual Meeting in San Francisco
March 25, 2023