W. Martin Usrey, Ph.D.

W. Martin Usrey, Ph.D.
W. Martin Usrey, Ph.D. is Professor and Chair of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior and Professor of Neurology at UC Davis. His research is focused on understanding the functional properties of thalamocortical circuits that serve vision and the relationship between circuit activity, behavior, and perception. He has authored over 70 publications and directed several international courses and conferences on sensory processing and thalamocortical relations. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the McKnight Scholars Award, the Sloan Foundation Award, and the Scientific Innovations Award from the Brain Research Foundation. The Usrey laboratory is also home to Brainmaps.org, an interactive, high-resolution digital brain atlas and virtual microscope for students, educators, and researchers.